Product: Diffusers


Underground Preinsulated Duct System

Linear Diffuser Boxes and Adaptor

The BlueDuct® Diffuser
Two Linear Diffuser Adaptors Fit on a 48″ [1219 mm].

ITEM#SizeOuter DimensionRegister Size
20-0058 (LDA)36" x 30" [914 x 762 mm]Fits on 36", 48" [914 x 1219 mm]
20-0060 (LDA)23” x 20” x 6” [584 x 508 x 152 mm]Fits on 24”, 36”, 48” [610, 914, 1219 mm]
20-006324” [610 mm]25” x 7” x 8” [635 x 178 x 203 mm]24” x 6” [610 x 152 mm]
20-006236” [914 mm]37” x 7” x 8” [940 x 178 x 203 mm]36” x 6” [914 x 152 mm]
20-0061*48” [1219 mm]49” x 7” x 8” [1245 x 178 x 203 mm]48” x 6” [1219 x 152 mm]
20-0064*48” [1219 mm]49” x 7” x 8” [1245 x 178 x 203 mm]48” x 8” [1219 x 203 mm]
20-0065*48” [1219 mm]49” x 7” x 8” [1245 x 178 x 203 mm]48” x 10” [1219 x 254 mm]

*Size dependent on mounting configuration.

Universal Boot Style Diffuser Adapter & Boxes

The BlueDuct® Diffuser

90º Boot Universal Reducer Adaptor

The BlueDuct® Diffuser

ITEM#SizeRegister Size
20-005990º Boot Universal Reducer Adaptor10”x 8” [254 x 203 mm]
20-041414” [356 mm]14“x 4” [356 x 102 mm]
20-041616” [406 mm]16” x 4” [406 x 102 mm]
20-041818” [457 mm]18” x 4” [457 x 102 mm]
20-042424” [610 mm]24” x 4” [610 x 102 mm]
20-0614*14” [356 mm]14” x 6” OR 14” x 8” [356 x 152 OR 356 x 203 mm]
20-0616*16” [406 mm]16” x 6” OR 16” x 8” [406 x 152 OR 406 x 203 mm]
20-0618*18” [457 mm]18” x 6” OR 18” x 8” [457 x 152 OR 457 x 203 mm]