Why Underground?

Many contractors are skeptical of underground ductwork thanks to the poor performance of older systems. However, The BlueDuct is rapidly changing minds thanks to its flawless reputation, durable construction, and a multitude of ancillary benefits. It requires no specialized subcontractors to install, and as one of the first tasks on the job, will not cause unnecessary construction delays. Placing ducts underground also frees up ceiling space, giving architects unrivaled design flexibility.

Why BlueDuct?

The BlueDuct is the only proven, direct-burial underground duct system made from ultra-durable, advanced HDPE (high-density polyethylene). BlueDuct is a complete system from the trunk to the finished floor (including sealed boots and diffuser boxes) and is engineered to protect against corrosion, mold, mildew, radon, rust, and air leaks. BlueDuct has delivered trouble-free, long-term performance in thousands of buildings for over a decade.

Architectural Case Studies:

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Energy Efficiency

Thermal efficiency is built into every facet of The BlueDuct’s construction. The system is self-insulated to an R-10 performance standard and requires no additional insulation. Because it is sheltered from harsh weather conditions, it is not prone to rusting and leakage, which causes a loss of R-value over time. BlueDuct is also NSF-certified to have a greater Thermal Distribution Efficiency (TDE) than traditional R-10 ducts.

Design Tools

Simply send us a sketch of your proposed construction, and we can quickly generate an AutoCAD diagram to meet your specifications. You can also download detailed product diagrams on our products page.

Code Compliance

Underground Preinsulated Duct System

The BlueDuct® is an underground plastic air duct and fitting system, designed specifically for underground or below slab forced air systems. The system meets all national codes for underground ductwork. The BlueDuct was specifically designed to address common shortfalls and issues such as leakage, water intrusion, mold, mildew, radon, and inadequate thermal efficiency, installing insulation in the field, corrosion, sustainability, and seal testing. For frequently asked compliance issues, click here.

Compliant with:

  • 2024, 2021, 2018, 2015, 2012, 2009 Editions of the International Mechanical Code® (IMC)
  • 2024, 2021, 2018, 2015, 2012, 2009 Editions of the International Residential Code® (IRC)
  • 2024, 2021, 2018, 2015, 2012, 2009 Editions of the Uniform Mechanical Code® (UMC)*
  • 2022 , 2021, 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007 Editions of the California Mechanical Code® (CMC)
  • 2022 California Energy Code® (CEC)
  • 2022 California Residential Code® (CRC)

*Uniform Mechanical Code is a copyrighted publication of the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials.

In addition, the ICC-ES PMG-1023 certifies the BlueDuct is compliant with the following standards:

  • ASTM D 2412-2011 Standard Test Method for Determination of External Loading Characteristics of Plastic -Duct by Parallel Plate Loading
  • ICC-ES LC1014 Listing Criteria for Underground Plastic Air Ducts
  • UL 723 (Ed.10) Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials
  • Below Flood Plain Elevation, tested to withstand 8ft. under water for 7 days with no leakage
  • R-10 Value Equivalence
  • Tested to NSF Protocol P374
  • Designed for use in systems with a maximum rated positive pressure equivalent to 10 inch water column and a maximum rated negative pressure of 2 inch water column
  • In accordance with Section 603.3 of the IMC, The BlueDuct® has actually been tested to withstand 42 inches of water column positive pressure.

Compliant with:

  • 2015, 2012, 2009 Edition of Uniform Mechanical Code® (UMC)
  • 2016 California Mechanical Code® (CMC)
  • 2016 California Residential Code® (CRC)
  • 2016 California Energy Code® (CEC)
  • 2015, 2012, and 2009 Edition of the International Mechanical Code® (IMC)
  • 2015, 2012, and 2009 Edition of the International Residential Code® (IRC)
  • 2015 and 2012 Edition of the International Energy Conservation Code® (IECC)